Friday, November 2, 2012


Creating a Rasterizer by yourself seems to be so cool. This is the latest project in the GPU course offered in UPenn. Again as usual some base code has been provided to us and we are required to crete different stages in the Graphics pipeline, including but not restricted to "The Vertex Shader", "Primitive Assembly", "The Rasterizer itself" and "The Fragment Shader".

In this project, we are given code for:
* A library for loading/reading standard Alias/Wavefront .obj format mesh files and converting them to OpenGL style VBOs/IBOs
* A suggested order of kernels with which to implement the graphics pipeline
* Working code for CUDA-GL interop

We have to implement the following stages of the graphics pipeline and features:
* Vertex Shading
* Primitive Assembly with support for triangle VBOs/IBOs
* Perspective Transformation
* Rasterization through either a scanline or a tiled approach
* Fragment Shading
* A depth buffer for storing and depth testing fragments
* Fragment to framebuffer writing
* A simple lighting/shading scheme, such as Lambert or Blinn-Phong, implemented in the fragment shader

We are also required to implement at least 3 of the following features:
* Additional pipeline stages. Each one of these stages can count as 1 feature:
   * Geometry shader
   * Transformation feedback
   * Back-face culling
   * Scissor test
   * Stencil test
   * Blending

* Correct color interpretation between points on a primitive
* Texture mapping WITH texture filtering and perspective correct texture coordinates
* Support for additional primitices. Each one of these can count as HALF of a feature.
   * Lines
   * Line strips
   * Triangle fans
   * Triangle strips
   * Points
* Anti-aliasing
* Order-independent translucency using a k-buffer
* MOUSE BASED interactive camera support. Interactive camera support based only on the keyboard is not acceptable for this feature.

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